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<  MAX/MSP  ~  Access virus c vs vvvv 2 visualization - high definition

MessagePosté: Jeu Avr 29, 2010 11:19 pm
Messages: 15Inscription: Dim Jan 14, 2007 9:51 pm
Ce n'était pas fait par Max, mais ça peut faire.

Youtube:2009年01月30日 — experimental session with vvvv (a visual programming interface, and a hardware access virus c synthesizer.

a simple vvvv patch analyzes and visualizes an access virus c synthesizer audio output. the patch reacts to loudness and stereo wideness of the signal. stereo wideness is generated by audio fx such as chorus, phaser, unison & reverb which produce different shapes compared to a mono signal which is represented by vertical lines. the audio was designed to get the most out of the current patch configuration. colour is also triggered by those effects.

it's a stereo phase/scope like effect.

based on a vvvv patch by rahdick. thanks!
thanks to manu for some knob twiddling.

access virus c vs vvvv part 1 here:

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